All it took was six days

Hello, readers!

So, as you may know from my previous blog posts, I am doing a career studies program through Kenzie Academy for a certificate in UX or user experience and technical programming. So far, I have made many friends, not only in my program, but at Kenzie Academy in general, and learned quite a bit about my career study curriculum.

So far, I am very happy with my decision to study with Kenzie and I am absolutely elated with the friends I’ve made at Kenzie.So far, the curriculum is not at all difficult to keep up with or understand and I am honestly looking forward to the future when the material gets more complex and there’s more work to do.

But, that’s not the main point of this post. I’m posting this because I’m only six days into this curriculum/career and I am already madly in love with it. I can most definitely see myself dedicating my life to this profession! I enjoy doing it and it’s not very hard, in all honesty. It has a LOT of research in it and a bit of following detailed instructions, much like baking a cake or making creme brulee.

I literally research more than I try to create stuff! That just makes me sooooo happy! I love to research! 😁 I love to make an impact on the lives of others and I’ll be creating apps and software that helps people in their daily lives . . . from my own home or apartment!! It’s the best job ever. πŸ™ƒ

All it took was six days for this program and I’m sold!! This is most definitely the right profession for me.

I could not possibly be any happier with my life’s direction right now. πŸ™‚This mkes everything feel perfect.

I wish you all well and I hope that you are able to find joy in your everyday.

A bientot!!

Miss Aly Mae πŸ’‹πŸ’‹

Such peace

Hello, all! I am at a very good place in my heart and mind (spare the anxiety about my learning coding. I am happy with who I am and I am dealing with where I am in my life. I am about to start on a journey to be doing something completely new and fascinating to me! Before Friday, I didn’t know the first thing about web design or coding! I don’t know very much yet, but I am committed to learning as much as possible in the next 365 days. This program is going to change my life. 😁

This year is going to make a huge difference in my life and I am more excited about it than I could possibly describe! I have found that I am much happier being social and that people are actually approaching me in public rather than me having to approach them first. It feels good to be thought of as approachable and I am thankful that I am getting better and better and better enough to have others want to come to me. πŸ™‚ It has been a very long time since people would approach me instead of me having to approach them. It was so lovely yesterday to have family friends from about ten years ago sit down next to me at the cafe and make conversation with me at my favorite cafe a few days ago. The program I’ve started today is so . . . well. I don’t know how to describe it, to be honest. It will be challenging at times, but who doesn’t like a good challenge now and then? 😏

I am ready for the challenge that has been placed in front of me. I will handle it with as much grace and ‘couth’ as I can manage. I feel (and hope) that I will do just fine. I mean, I feel confident and that’s enough to carry me until I actually know what I’m doing . . right? πŸ€ͺ

As if my life wasn’t practically perfect already, now I have even more reason to be in love with the world and life around me. I’m just really excited and feeling blessed beyond my worthiness. I feel such peace because of those blessings. I feel such peace. πŸ™‚ My world is good. I pray that all of you can say the same.


~Aly Mae

Anxiety Unparalleled

Hello! Today I am to officially begin a life changing journey into web-design. AS my title suggests, I am so nervous that I’m almost sick.

Of course, it didn’t help that I thought the course started today, when it actually starts tomorrow. But now I can be sure that I am fully enrolled and prepared for the course by the time the class starts tomorrow morning. I’m just so excited and so scared and thrilled and anxious!

I am fully prepared for tomorrow’s classes now, though! I have a profile in Codepen, a FREE site for practicing my coding skills, and I am about to start my very first independent coding attempt. I’m nervous, but I’m excited!!

What I’m truly excited about, more than anything else is for myself to have my certification and be able to do some coding in French. πŸ™‚ That’s going to be the best part of having a degree in French and as certificate in coding. I might just have to move to Canada or some other French-speaking culture to practice some more French. πŸ™‚ I am really just so excited, though!! πŸ˜€

Maybe I could even work for the government or something and still get my travel-time in! Agh!! I’m so excited. πŸ˜€

I seriously cannot wait to be doing some beach-enjoying coding in January after I finish the program. I’m seriously beyond excited about it! Like, I’m imagining myself in a cute little bathing suit in LA doing my ‘job’ from a beach. :DDDDD Gahhhhh! I honestly can’t contain my excitement. πŸ™‚ AND IT ALL STARTS TOMORROW!!!

From what I can tell of the program and ‘work’ so far, it’s like following a cooking or baking recipe. So, it’s hard to screw it up if you know how to follow basic instructions. I am eager to see where this takes me. I don’t know much about what exactly I’ll be doing after I spend a few months learning coding. But I do know that the careers for people with a certificate in UX studies pays a little bit more than my lifelong dream income. What I mean is that it definitely pays more than I’d be getting if I’d gone into a master’s Degree in Gerontology or something. I just have to figure out what it is that I’ll be doing. Hahaha. I’ll get the hang of it eventually and I will hopefully be good at whatever it is that I’ll be doing. I’m anxious to find out what that is. I guess I’m just anxious all around. πŸ™‚

Well, I think that I’m done rambling bout my anxiety regarding this course I’m pointing myself down.

Wish me fortune and understanding as I attempt to learn this material.

All of my love,

Aly Mae


Soooo, I got this book

Hello. beautiful people, I suppose I’m very talkative today . . hopefully it keeps up for tomorrow and everyday after that! I like it when I’m talkative! Im very happy when I’m talkative and people seem to like that. πŸ™‚ 

But anyway, I got this book . . actually I got two of them; one for me and one for my Mom, about brain health and preventative measures that could be taken against dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. The author of the book ο»ΏSwitch on Your Brainο»Ώ , Dr. Caroline Leaf, is also very religious and in her book, she writes on how scripture supports brain health and vise versa, how brain health supports scripture, if tended to properly. She writes about how verses such as Deuteronomy 30:19, “Good thinking = healthy choices = healthy thoughts.” (I am sorry, the is no bibliography here, this is not an academic paper, not an academic post)

I really love this book so far, even though I’m only on page twenty five, because of how Dr, Leaf brings the Bible to modern day life! This makes the Word of God so much more relevant to my life! She writes about how just thinking happier thoughts is literally good for your physical health.

This book just got me to thinking and sometimes good things come out of my mouth when I do that. Haha. Well . . yeah. Let’s just go with sometimes.

Since work on Tuesday, (two days ago) where some residents and I watched a video on how there are ways to prolong the health of your brain (with music, travel and healthy earing) I have been continuously returning to thoughts of how to keep my brain active, how that is good for me.

I haven’t been up to much recently, but I’ve kept myself busy. I have made some friends with the coffee baristas at my favorite cafΓ© in my hometown and we meet up occasionally for game night. The name of the game, you ask? Well, it’s called Dungeons and Dragons but it is not about Devil worship and stuff like some people tend to think right off the bat. It does have to do with dragons and elves and magic, but these things, at least in my head, are used merely as characters and for good purposes. Like my character, Thia, is a High Elf, she’s a Cleric and her magical powers heal the wounded. Her deity, Mocxillica loves nature and good deeds, so she endeavors to do only good and useful things for people, animals and plants around her. In both campaigns (she’s Chia in the other) , my character is pretty much an angel and she just wants to make sure everyone and everything is okay around her.

Thia’s little pet, Scruff, is a dog-like-creature that vanishes into thin air every few seconds and reappears a second or two later. Oh my, I have gotten quite off course from my intended post. Haha, oh well. I’m happy and I’m just talking about things that make me happy, like Scruff. He’s gray and white and black and patchy. πŸ™‚

I have found that allowing young men to admire me is enjoyable and does not distract me from my own goals in life. Daring the two men that I have has thrown me way off course from where I wanted to be at 26 years old in more than just my mental and physical health. I think that for right now, I don’t want a man in my life. I’m happy just being me. I keep myself from being lonely and I am accomplishing some really great things in my life. I am happy because I choose to be and there is nobody around telling me that I shouldn’t be happy with myself or that I need to be a certain way for them. I am just happy and I am fully enjoying every experience that I have.

While I am very content, I still have spouts of sadness and yes, even some depression, because my mind still strays into the negative from time to time. I just find that life is so much better when I focus on the positives and seek a way that includes as little negativity as possible. This had been going okay for me. I just try to walk into every situation with a big smile on my face and a full heart and that seems to go well as most (if not all) people are very receptive to it.