Women have more power than we realize

Hey folks! 

I went to a golf tournament supporting my father’s company, donating half of all proceeds to the United Way in the county of my Dad’s business. 

I wore a dress that, I admit, showed a little more cleavage than is ‘appropriate’ for such function. I spent all day from approximately 7:45 am until 3 pm at hole 18 with my Momma, my youngest sister, and my Dad’s colleague’s wife, baking in the sun except for the brief mercy of the shade towards the end of the tournament and the very brief and random mercy of the wind when it decided to give us a delightful breeze fora moment or two. 

It was brutal. I was so disgusting and sweaty by 3, that I inhaled my food at the dinner and ran to my car for the wonderful air conditioning of my car.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that the air conditioning in the gathering hall where all of the golfers ate was broken due to an electrical overcharge when the A/C was drastically turned down. That was the worst thing that could have happened after a long day of baking in the sun. 

The lack of cool air during dinner made me seek a less humid place after I ate my food, so I found myself at the bar across the building from the gathering hall. 

That was a mistake with my cleavage hanging out for the world to see. I made sure to pick a seat where nobody was on either side of me, and about two minutes after I sat down (if not less) a young man moved over so that he was sitting in the seat directly on my right side. He then continually tried to make conversation, but I had absolutely zero interest in what he was talking about because I could see in his eyes, he just wanted to get into my undies. 

Haha. No thanks. In order not to seem like a completely rude person, I asked him a few questions like where he went to school and such but he had clearly not attended college. That was part of the reason I asked him. I was nice about it, but I wanted to make it clear to the four or five other guys in the room that he was just a fool in my eyes, and I had no interest at all. 

The bartender, God rest her soul, understood and discreetly tried to help me not talk to the jerk on my right. 

To his right were two guys that I could tell had been educated, we can just tell from the way other educated people talk if they’ve been in college or not. 

Some guy that I hadn’t seen before walked in and told the fool on my right and the guys next to him that he wanted them to come and see something, he was my best friend at that moment!!!             As soon as the fool and the two next to him had left, I continued conversation with the handful of other guys in the room. I told them all about my plans to go to Ireland and what I would do once I’m there. 

Well, I told them all that bit of my desires when the idiot was still there, but I went into much more detail once he was gone. 

I made my exit a few moments after the guy that likes me left, I made my exit and went to see how my family was doing before I returned to finish my water that I had asked for from the bartender. 

I went back and all of the guys were still in there, but some had moved. I chose to sit at a lone tall table a few feet closer to the door than the bar itself is and I once again made small conversation with the guys still in the small bar. I finished my glass of water and I left, not saying goodbye to anyone, especially the idiot that was all over me from the moment I stepped into the bar. 

The guy farthest to my right was an engineer for a company that makes tools for my Daddy’s company and while I was trying to ignore the guy that liked me, I tried to make small talk with him about is life. He was actually a really cool, humble dude and I wouldn’t have minded talking to him for a bit longer. I think that my favorite thing about him was that he openly talked to me about his wife, therefore showing no desire to ‘raid my drawers’ or anything like that.

My favorite of the whole group of guys in the bar was the reeeeeally hefty guy because he was so humble and sweet and he had no expectations from us becoming friendly. He thought of it only as me being nice to him. Of course, he saw my cleavage (to be honest, I sometimes have a hard time hiding it) and he saw my eyes that I was recently told are pretty by another man, but he didn’t think that I would be interested in him because he wasn’t skinny or weasely like the guy that was all over me. 

I feel that the whole point of this story is to tell you girls hoe much you can affect a guy, or a roomful of guys, by what you wear and how you act. Some guys are really dumb and just do not understand when a girl is not interested.

 hose guys are the ones to look out for, be on high alert for them. They’ll lie to get into your panties and make it seem like they’re simple guys just so you become interested. Once you’re interested, it’s like the fishing dagger sunken into the fish’s lips. Once you show interest, it’s over. He thinks you’re as good as naked in his bed. 

That’s mostly true for guys, except for the honestly humble ones. If you show interest in a guy that probably isn’t used to young women (or women in general) being interested in him, you’re likely to find a good-hearted man with no bad intentions. That’s not a promise, it’s just what I’ve found based on my experience of men.  

Don’t get me wrong here, the guy that practically tried to hump down my dress wasn’t unattractive, his behavior was just unappealing to me. Because I am able to love pretty much any man, with all of my heart, I find myself being less interested in the thin guys, and more interested in guys with a little more ‘meat on their bones’ or ‘chunk to their funk’. Of course, I’m attracted to men that appear and practice healthy lifestyles, but I am more attracted to guys that look less likely to try to take advantage of me. I like humble guys. You probably (very likely) will not know if you are humble, but you should pretty easily be able to figure it out that you are not, if you’re not. 

As a TBI survivor, I feel that I owe it to the Creator (of this beautifully perfect world) that helped me be able to survive to make sure I treat myself well, to make sure that I am treated well and to tell my story for all to hear and see.

I realize that I’m kind of all over the place here, but it’s really important for guys and gals alike to know universal body language signs that bartenders know mean that a person feels uncomfortable in a situation. 

If you do not know what they are, I urge you, no I beg you to look them up online and find out how to tell a bartender or a person behind some sort of chash register that you’re feeling uncomfortable about something. 

To be honest, I felt no danger, but I feel the urgency of how important it is for bar attendants to know this stuff because it could prevent kidnapping, rape, and even murder. Please look this up and do not be hesitant to use those signs if you feel even the slightest amount of discomfort because of another person. 

Camping and the after-effects

Hey folks! โค

I returned last night from  a lovely week of camping and a not-so-lovely ride home.

First of all things, my TBI reared it’s ugly head and I threw a fit like a three year old child in public. Second, the tire popped on one of our vehicles and it was near the national reservoir and park overnight where my Dad has to go and pick it up today.

The day before we left my cousins left, one of my cousins had his daughter, who I fell in love with the instant I saw her. She’s two years old and she is so unbelievably well behaved I hardly think of her as only two years old, except the diaper. Oh my, she was so sweet! I love baby hugs and kisses! โค

My, sister’s girlfriend, my littlest sister and I all took turns walking down to the rocky beach with her to throw rocks into the water. That was her favorite activity of the week.  Oh my goodness, she was so sweet! ๐Ÿ™‚ I love babies. โค

I love my cousins so much! I was so happy to see them through the last week. I just wish that I got to see my cousins more often like I used to. We seem to only get together now for weddings and funerals. This year, we had no funerals (thank God!) and no weddings. :/ But next year, I believe two or three cousin weddings are planned, and I intend to get everyone out to my family’s ‘plantation’ for a 4th of July party, if possible. I’m not sure how I can swing it, though, because most of my cousins have jobs and stuff and I probably (hopefully) will too. ๐Ÿ™‚

My family is so important to me, I could not possibly express how much they matter to me  with something as plain as words.

It’s that time of the semester again

Hello, folks! ๐Ÿ’œ

i FINALLY got my username and password to work so that I could post another blog!

This week (the fifth? of the semester) has been crazy. I’ve realized that I’m not doing enough homework for French (yet, I sit here and post a blog) and the rest of campus has started to become very itritable and stressed.

Being empathetic (I absorb the emotions of others) is quite miserable when everyone around you either wants to rip everyone else’s head off or cry. Last week I had two exams in French and I’ve taken on the perspective of ‘I know what I know and when I don’t know will show’ and I’ve given up completely on the ‘last minute studying’ thing.

I thunk senioritus may have kicked in. ๐Ÿ˜œWhich, really makes no sense because I just learned that I was a senior less than 3 weeks ago. Oh my goodness! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ This year will prove to be interesting . . . . .

I keep saying that I’m a mess and I guess I’ve provided little-no evidence of that in my recent blogs. I seem to have it all together, but I really don’t have anything together. I try to pay attention to schedules and timelines for things, but it’s truly a miracle that I get homework and presentations completed or ready on time.

I wakeย up each morning, look at the calendar on my phone and usually scrap my assignments or presentations together either first thing in the morning, or very very very late the night before.

My life is a series of BS and honest trials. Somehow (I really don’t understand why I deserve this MERCY) , I usually pull it off with an A or a B. ๐Ÿ˜œ

I seriusly do not understand how stuff works for me. I don’t do enough homework and I usually am completely a mess. But, I’ve decided not to question it too much, because I wouldn’t want to push my ‘luck’ or stretch my GRACE too far. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I wil keepย on scrapping my life together bit by bit and hope that it looks relatively decent when I’m done setting myself up. I’m a work in progress, and I will never be perfect. But, I’ve learned to be happy with myself, despite my gross imperfections.

Anyway, this semester has been ‘kicked in’ for a while and I’m still not regularly doing what I should. But I think that I’m okay with that . . . . . After all, “Why fix something that seems to work for me?”.

I’m a little bit lazy at times, but I’m genuinely ย happy with who I am and everything else in life, so what does it really matter?

All what I have to in order do to finish college is work my butt off ย for another ten months or so. Then I can (essentially) do whatever I want with my life! That is probsbly the very best news I have gotten in over six years! โ˜บ๏ธ

I kinda sell myself short, though. I’ve worked really hard to be alive. The car accident and events surrounding it were very hard on my body. My soul, my spirit and most especially my mind have been strengthened and my heart opened up from the experiences that I’ve had. I have become FAR more accepting, much more eager to please and so much more wise within the last 6 years. ๐Ÿ’œ

I am so incredibly thankful for each breath that I am blessed with and each sensation that I am given. My life is not my own, I exist to please a HOLY, DIVINE and PERFECT God. My heart lies in His hands. I am so lucky to be so loved and greatly cherished.๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’œ

I do my best to turn that PERFECT love into a broken love for everything else. Please, take my love and spread it to others! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

Jusqu’ร  la prochaine fois.


