Biographical Information

Hey folks!

I’m very active on WordPress tonight, I am not sure why. I must be looking for reasons to not do my French homework. :p Yep, that’s probably it. :p Haha, oh well. I’ll do better for the next set of homework. I think that stuff is due in March, so I’m less worried about it.

I started this post with the intention of writing bout how self centered I feel myself being. But, I sometimes get bored when I am thinking about myself too much. So, I have decided to plan my first few months after college. I will be graduating in December, so I’m not going to do much outside of hanging out at home working on my book about recovering from TBI (From Deep Within) for the first few months (give me three or four at most). Then I might look into getting a small job, like an on the side type of thing, until I really decide what to do with my life. I have a few ideas about what I can get involved with right after college that doesn’t have to involve traveling in the cold weather like selling Cutco. knives or jewelry online. I really think that I could have fun with either of those two things, I just have to have a little bit of money to get started in the jewelry business. I have enough girlfriends who have enough girlfriends that I might be able to sell pretty jewelry to. Plus, I know a bucket-load of ladies my Momma’s age and in between our ages that I’m sure would be interested in the jewelry to benefit me, if not for the jewelry itself. That might just keep my afloat until I decide on an actual career. Oh, plus my book!!

I am hoping that my book will end up profiting me enough to make a decent investment (or something like that, NOT in the stock market) where there is no possibility of me losing money, I could only possibly earn money off of interest. I really need to become educated about all of this before I actually have any amount of money that is worth mention. In all honesty, I  feel like I would be bad at having a lot of money, I trust everyone too much. I want to help everyone. However, I feel that I would be better than some because if someone asks me for money for food, say on the streets od Krakow, I offer to take them to a restaurant by pointing to one, and I don’t just hand them a few dozen zloty (Polish currency, $1 USD is worth about 4.08 zloty). I hope to be finished writing and researching my book by my 25th birthday, then I will just be looking for bigger publishing companies to sign to so that my books can get either national or international attention.

While I do recognize the incredulity to my story, I must remind myself to be humble and not expect that I actually receive any international attention. To be honest, I will be happy if I am able to make ten dollars off of my story. Honestly, I just hope that my book is able to help some people deal with the extreme difficulties of Traumatic Brain Injury. If my book is able to help just one person, the costs of publishing my book will be worth it. Dealing with suicidal thoughts, which  many TBI victims have, was probably one of the hardest things about my recovery. I just want t make sure that every person knows their worth and how precious they are to God, whether they believe that we have a Creator, or not. I want people to know how precious they are to ME, if it might possibly help them feel like they are needed in this broken world. I want to help others understand that they will be forgiven for anything that they have done wrong if they just ask for forgiveness. All they need is love to cure their ill-doings and bad thoughts.  Love is the only common cure that fixes all things. I want my book to show that to everyone who reads it.

After my book is published, I might translate it to French. Then I might learn another language and translate it to that. Then another, then another. If my book makes me enough money, I might not have to actually find a real adult job until I’m 30, and hopefully by that time I have enough saved up that I can buy a business and just live off of those profits.  I hope that at some point I fall in love and get married, but if that is not my future, I will (unhappily) find a way to carry on.

Yes, like one of my posts from December 2015 said, I am a dreamer. More than a dreamer, though, I’m a lover. Join me in my love of all people and things, I beg you!

Jusqu’à prochaine temps!





Hello everyone, it’s been a while since I last posted. Well. . . it feels like it has been so busy because my life has been excruciatingly busy (in my humble opinion) since the semester began on January 19th. For instance, I should probably be doing one of the 20 or so unfinished French home works out of the forty that I have assigned  for Thursday night at midnight (so I guess it’s really due on Friday morning when my French professor/advisor wakes up and checks them. But, I’m not, I spent my morning (and even a part of my afternoon) trying to sleep off a headache, as you will see later in my post.

The most important thing that has happened this semester, happened only two days ago.  I found out from my advisor that I might finish college THIS DECEMBER! I mean, that is a major accomplishment for anyone, but for me, its about a billion times more of an accomplishment! Having survived the car accident against all odds was one hell of an accomplishment, but then to turn around and earn a college degree less then ten years (about six years, to be exact) after I lived through a nearly-Catastrophic Traumatic Brain Injury is strictly Divine intervention if nothing else. I really hate to be pretentious about what I have accomplished thus far in my life, but I’ve done some pretty amazing things.

Initially, I began this post and I was going to write about how miserable it feels to do French homework that I barely understand with what feels like a migraine, but I really don’t feel like complaining. My life has too much good in it for me to be a Scrooge. :p

Another incredible thing, I may be going to Lille with my home university or Aix-en-Provence with another state school (kind of a partner university with my own) this summer after I visit my friends in England for a few nights post-spring semester. I may also take a side trip to Ireland and kiss the Blarney stone because last time I was there (I know, my life is too good) the weather permitted me from being able to kiss it for luck. 😉

Either trip that I take will result in a ton more blogs while I’m in Europe! So, I don’t expect that WordPress will feel so unloved by me this summer. ;*

So, let my summarize; I am graduating in December with a degree in French (no minors for lack of desire to stay in school longer) AND I am probably going to England, France and possibly (likely) other European countries this summer between the months of May and July. I am so excited about this twelve months! All that I need to do is check and make sure that I can get a French Literature course while I’m in France for graduation purposes.

Eeeek! I’m so excited! I just need to figure out what to do with my degree after college. I could work for the U.S. Government and teach English in France for a year, I could

Woah, by this time next year, I will be an accomplished young woman. 🙂
Oh my goodness, that feels so good to say. 🙂

Well, I have shared my news with the world, I am happy.

God Bless,



You may say I’m a Dreamer

Hello, dear readers. 🙂

Today is the day that will forever change my life.

Today is the  day that my family wins $800 million in the Pennsylvania lottery.

Once my Dad’s ticket wins, we’re going to split our proceeds tight down the middle and put half in a stationary bank account to earn interest  for our income. With the other half, my parents are going to pay off our mortgage and buy all of the property around our little plantation in the middle of the nearest farm. After all of that has been paid for, my parents would make sure my oldest younger sister and I had no college debt any longer.

Then my parents will buy my aunt in NYC. After she’s taken care of, my parents will buy my aunt and uncle in Jersey a brand new garage and have their farmhouse fixed up, then buy my Dad’s oldest sister a brand new car and a new house then my Daddy’s older brother would own a fishing camp somewhere that he could be outside all year round and finally, I think that my parents would buy a second house in Spain for my oldest younger sister, a house in France for me and a house in Germany for my brother, and maybe they’ll buy a place in Ireland since the Irish in our blood is heavy on the other aspects of who we are.

By this time, I think that my parents will only have a few dozen million dollars left to spend, so I would make them give to charities and buy a LARGE amount of Tom’s along with other charitable companies like Gilson Boards in Central Pennsylvania, that give back to the community or suffering people with every dollar spent. I see people that I love (let’s get real, I love every person) struggle and it hurts my heart. I see so much worth in every single human being and I absolutely feel disgusted that such precious forms of life have to struggle when I live an easy pain-free life. I deserve this life no more than anyone else does.

Sure, I have worked pretty hard through some extremely difficult things, but I don’t deserve such luxurious things as college any more than a poor genius 18 year old in a poor village of Africa or anywhere in the world. This world, according to a statistic that I ran into while researching GMO’s for chemistry yesterday, has MORE than enough food than is needed to feed every single person three square meals each day. The biggest reason that we have people starving on this bountiful Earth is because of greed and oppression.

My heart is broken that the water I shower in is cleaner than the drinking water of many of the Earth’s citizens who live in abject poverty. I am ashamed to admit that I enjoy a long hot shower. I feel so immensely guilty while I am taking one that I usually cut it as short as I can. Because I have such empathy, I would force my parents to give a LOT of money away.

But, the point here is that my life is going to change today and I will understand why one of my friends feels the need to be so secretive about his identity. I look forward to the day where my parents do not have to work anymore because of the lottery that we will win tonight
















. . . according to my Dad . . . . .


So, I guess that you can’t really call me a dreamer, well you can. But this is my Dad’s dreaming, not mine.

Oh, there aren’t many material things that I wouldn’t give to have his dream come true. All of my love is all that I would try to give, because that is already what I try to do. 😉



I’m at it again . . .

Hey folks! 🙂

As my title suggests, I’m at it again. But, sat what you might ask?

I’m trying to see if I can travel abroad in France either next fall or spring semester. But this time, I may have to go to a larger city like Lyon, Marseilles or Paris and I think that I’m, okay with that. Just the experience of being in the French culture will be more beneficial to me, as long as  I am around people that might understand me if I can’t find a French word in conversation or in class.

I know that this Spring semester will really help my fluency as I have two (three, in a way) classes in which I am expected to speak almost fluent French. It is definitely going to be a REALLY BIG struggle at first, but I think that I learn quickly enough and that I will be able to manage. If I can finally master the language enough in my classes this semester, I really think that I’ll be able to do well if I get to go to France next year. I really want to go to France next school year. I just need to be accepted into a study abroad opportunity. . . . That’s the only problem that I might face at this point. Not only do I sincerely feel that a study abroad would help my ‘worldliness’ but I really feel like I could do something wonderful with my experience in the form of a book or various articles that I can write while I am abroad.

Ideally, I will make a lot of money from my book about recovering from TBI will make me a lot of money and I will be able to live relatively comfortably while focusing on improving my own health, but I will be able to help others improve both their dietary habits and physical health. I will just need to make enough to pay off all of my college debt and be able to pay to become some sort of yoga (Pilates/Physical Fitness) instructor. After that, I can just work my bank account up to the point where I can afford to get a master’s degree in nutritional counseling or something like that.

I don’t really know what I want out of life. I want to be wealthy enough to give lots of money to struggling persons, I want to run a hotel, I want to run an animal shelter, I want to learn more science, I want to learn about other religions and I want, more than anything, to learn several other languages.

I am happiest when I am giving others something that benefits their life, any way from advice to financial help to training about how to get their body in a better physical well being. I have genuinely good intentions for helping others.

So, I’m at it again, idealizing how my life will be after I finally graduate and end this seemingly endless, torturous system of higher education.

God Bless you, my dear readers. I hope that life is as good to you (if not better) as it is to me.

