Such peace

Hello, all! I am at a very good place in my heart and mind (spare the anxiety about my learning coding. I am happy with who I am and I am dealing with where I am in my life. I am about to start on a journey to be doing something completely new and fascinating to me! Before Friday, I didn’t know the first thing about web design or coding! I don’t know very much yet, but I am committed to learning as much as possible in the next 365 days. This program is going to change my life. 😁

This year is going to make a huge difference in my life and I am more excited about it than I could possibly describe! I have found that I am much happier being social and that people are actually approaching me in public rather than me having to approach them first. It feels good to be thought of as approachable and I am thankful that I am getting better and better and better enough to have others want to come to me. 🙂 It has been a very long time since people would approach me instead of me having to approach them. It was so lovely yesterday to have family friends from about ten years ago sit down next to me at the cafe and make conversation with me at my favorite cafe a few days ago. The program I’ve started today is so . . . well. I don’t know how to describe it, to be honest. It will be challenging at times, but who doesn’t like a good challenge now and then? 😏

I am ready for the challenge that has been placed in front of me. I will handle it with as much grace and ‘couth’ as I can manage. I feel (and hope) that I will do just fine. I mean, I feel confident and that’s enough to carry me until I actually know what I’m doing . . right? 🤪

As if my life wasn’t practically perfect already, now I have even more reason to be in love with the world and life around me. I’m just really excited and feeling blessed beyond my worthiness. I feel such peace because of those blessings. I feel such peace. 🙂 My world is good. I pray that all of you can say the same.


~Aly Mae

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