All it took was six days

Hello, readers!

So, as you may know from my previous blog posts, I am doing a career studies program through Kenzie Academy for a certificate in UX or user experience and technical programming. So far, I have made many friends, not only in my program, but at Kenzie Academy in general, and learned quite a bit about my career study curriculum.

So far, I am very happy with my decision to study with Kenzie and I am absolutely elated with the friends I’ve made at Kenzie.So far, the curriculum is not at all difficult to keep up with or understand and I am honestly looking forward to the future when the material gets more complex and there’s more work to do.

But, that’s not the main point of this post. I’m posting this because I’m only six days into this curriculum/career and I am already madly in love with it. I can most definitely see myself dedicating my life to this profession! I enjoy doing it and it’s not very hard, in all honesty. It has a LOT of research in it and a bit of following detailed instructions, much like baking a cake or making creme brulee.

I literally research more than I try to create stuff! That just makes me sooooo happy! I love to research! 😁 I love to make an impact on the lives of others and I’ll be creating apps and software that helps people in their daily lives . . . from my own home or apartment!! It’s the best job ever. 🙃

All it took was six days for this program and I’m sold!! This is most definitely the right profession for me.

I could not possibly be any happier with my life’s direction right now. 🙂This mkes everything feel perfect.

I wish you all well and I hope that you are able to find joy in your everyday.

A bientot!!

Miss Aly Mae 💋💋

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