Best Construction Jobs of 2022


I’m coming to WordPress today to write a blog for an application to a UX/UI job (literally my DREAM job!) for a company called SkillCat, a company that trains individuals for one of the most promising manual labor jobs on the market today! HVAC!!! HVAC offers its workers options and a better than decent salary, from what I understand. A few of the people I graduated High School with got into the industry, and let me just say . . . I’m jealous of how successful they’ve become. These jobs are in great demand right now, being the reason the position pays so well, and I get the feeling that it will always be a great need in civilized (and I suppose even uncivilized) cultures. HVAC stands for ‘heating, ventilation and air cooling’ so it will always be important, no matter the season! I know that the well being of people in my household depends on the air conditioning and/or heating system working, and we all get pretty grumpy when it doesn’t work.

This industry, this. position is just really important, and the pay and benefits reflect that!

If you’re looking for a new job, or your kid just graduated high school and needs some career guidance, I suggest looking into HVAC! Good luck! Thanks for reading my blog post! 🙂

Here is the video requested by SkillCat too! (I couldn’t figure out how to attach separately)

Have a great day, everyone!

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