
Hello world!!

I hope everyone’s doing alright amidst this virus lockup thing. I’ve been doing quite well myself (thanks for asking 😜) and I’m pretty hopeful for the future !! 🙂

I don’t really have anything to talk about, I’m just kinda bored. 😝

For the past week or two (maybe three? they all blend together right now) I’ve been thinking a lot about mermaids and how to like . . . make things into things that look like mermaids and . . . things. 😂

So far, I have a decent list in my iNotes of about 6/7 . . . things . . . to have my dream ocean (mermaid) themed wedding. Aside from that, I have some ideas for what my life will (hopefully) look like in 5 years. Ideally, there will be a pretty claddagh wedding ring on the appropriate finger and a baby or two (at the most) next to me or in my tummy, a full time job waiting for me on my computer and I’ll be in Ireland or somewhere that’s not Pennsylvania with a cute guy (husband?) for some arm candy. 😏

But, that might not happen until I’m like 35, instead of when I’m 32. It might not happen at all ! 🙏🏻 Let Thy will be done 🙏🏻

I’m not worried about it, however life happens. I’m just going to keep going and aiming for the moon because if nothing else, I’ll get caught on a star. Jeeze, I wish we could be on the Enterprise (Star Trek… I’m kind of obsessed) right now. I would really love to meet some aliens and things that don’t live here on earth. Wouldn’t it just be SO COOL ? Traveling to other galaxies, learning all sorts of things and eating those weird plastic toy looking things that people eat onboard the Enterprise. Man, I wish I could do that. (sidenote, I wonder what those actually were that they ate on the show) It just looks like so much fun and I would love to be there.

Btw, this is my Pisces nature, dreaming of a life that is lived outside of this universe/reality.

Well, a girl can dream, right ? I’m working hard at getting my grind on in real life too, though !!

I’m not always like . . . ‘here’ in this world, but I’m putting some serious effort into bringing my dreams to fruition (< I love that word) and make my future as awesome as I want it to be. 🙂

Right now I should be reviewing vocabulary for a test I need to pass before May 28th with an 80% or above. But one of my friends showed me his blog post and I felt like I needed to post something too.

Wellp, here I am and I think I’m done saying stuff that doesn’t really matter now.

Peace out, my loves. Take care of yourselves during this time of lockdown and WEAR YOUR DAMN MASKS !!!


~Aly Mae

God’s image

Good morning all 🙂

Today in the world, we are all still stuck at home… awaiting life to start again.

Most of the world is bored. The rest of the world is going stir crazy, aching to get out of their homes, but nervous that they’ll catch this virus which is killing a bunch of people here on earth.

Now would be a pretty good time to find a new planet that we can so go live on and forget about this virus.

Don’t get me wrong, Mother Earth has been our gracious gift for a few millennia and I love her fir it. But we’ve outgrown her and I think she wants a little more breathing space. This is just a little nudge from her. I’ve been watching Star Trek a little too much, I think. 😂

Ah, well, that’s not really the point I’m getting to here. I mean, it is, in a way… but it’s not what I initially intended.

I meant to say that God’s image is perfect and beautiful, but I wish He would have imagined me smaller around the waist.

But that could also work for humanity right now… like God’s midge of humanity definitely wasn’t eating bats and 1/3 of the world dying because of one fool. Or maybe it was . . . ?

I dunno. I mean, everything happens for a reason in the way He intended it to happen, right ?

I just feel like something doesn’t quite add up here. Either we messed up His image of how this would happen, or we screwed up so much that He was just like “Okay, I AM done letting you guys mess up here on this Earth that I gave you to keep and love”.

Either way, humanity messed up . . . big time this time. Between Mother Nature and our Father, this is one serious scolding. We’re grounded… literally. 😂

Well, there’s my self-image and my take on what’s happening in the world today.

All of my love,

~Aly Mae

To all of the men who have come before

Hellooooo to the internet world !!!

I’m happy to announce that I still haven’t gone crazy from this coronavirus world-shut-down thing! I haven’t murdered anyone in my family

. . . yet


No, but in all honesty, I’m surprisingly okay with life right now. 🙂

Of course, I’ve gained like 10 pounds, (not really, just feels like it) since this thing started, but it’s okay… I just need to not spend so much time indoors and I do kind of have a plan.

My plan is to do more yoga and more religiously try the 22 hour fasting thing and then only eat between 18:00 and 20:00 (6-8pm).

Today was my first day of it and I did cheat with a handful or two of hash brown leftovers from my family’s breakfast this morning around 4 pm. But it was only day one. As today was cinco de Mayo, my family celebrated Mexican Independence Day with a Hispanic oriented food festival and lots of alcohol.

I regret to inform that the most fruit I consumed today is found in this glass of raspberry wine. But I got plenty of carbs and a decent amount of vegetables in with my chicken and Spanish rice burrito.

Well… I will do better tomorrow 🙂

I just need to keep fruits and vegetables as my focus with protein and empty carbs (like bread and some rices) in the lesser of important nutritional focus.

I need to keep broccoli in my freezer at like . . . all times!! I really love broccoli. 💜

But I really need to balance my meal better, if I’m really going try to do the omad (one meal a day) thing.

But, I suppose the day went pretty well for it only being day one. I just need to work my way up to a better balance, then I’ll work on gluten feee so that I don’t feel so bloated after my meal. It would also help a lot, I think, if I did more yoga/stretching/exercises at home.

I’m doing this only to be healthier because I see and feel my health deteriorating and I do not like that.

The reason I’m writing this post is to thank the young men (if you would call them men) that have hurt me (or that I have hurt myself over) in the past.

You have all taught me something about myself and I appreciate those lessons.

What I have most recently learned is how to properly flirt with, or court, a young man. To be ladylike (or try my best to be ladylike) and demand a gentleman in return. So, I thank you for that.

If I want to be treated well, I need to act accordingly, and I’m really sick of getting my heart all up in knots over a guy that just wants to have sex or see pictures of me (which I have continuously refused to send).

So yeah, I appreciate all of the lessons you guys have taught me over the years, I really do. I’m just ready for a man to come into my life and sweep me off my feet or grab my hand and join me on my journey.

I have a friend right now who I really enjoy conversations with. I always feel like my opinion is appreciated and respected, even if he disagrees with my take on things. That’s what I consider to be an intellectual and well rounded person. Just as I feel he respects my opinion, I respect his. I need more friends like that.

Ever since the brain injury, I’ve struggled to make friends with the ‘smart kids in school‘ like in high school where I was friends with the nerds in AP classes, the jocks, the losers and just about every clique that there was. I struggled for quite a while after the car accident that nearly took my life.

But college, more specifically, the Christian club (PCM-Protestant campus ministry) that I was in, really brought a lot of my old personality back. More important than my personality, PCM brought God back into my focus. That was the most important event in my post-tbi life.

I’m so glad I went to ‘Commons’ that day in my first semester at Bloomsburg University. I stumbled upon the club that ultimately and permanently changed my life for the better.

Since the fall of 2013, I have grown so much in my faith and I now feel comfortable praying with and for others, asking God to meet them in their struggle and ease their burden. I found myself a wonderful girlfriend in Vegas who brought to my attention that I have vague empath tendencies and can sense when others need support.

My friend who brought this to my attention helped me to see how God was making me a conduit for his love and comfort in this crappy world we’ve gotten yourselves into.

Since this self- realization, with the Assistence of my beautiful Vegas friend, I’ve found myself magnetized to those who have broken spirits. Unfortunately, I’ve been so drawn to them that I’ve broken my heart over a few, but I’m learning from my egregious mistakes and trying to put my own needs and goals before anyone else’s in the grand scheme.

I still reach out to broken people on the Facebook page (An Empath) that my Vegas friend pointed me to, to see if I can support them and maybe advise them in how to find happiness within themselves. I have pointed many of them here . . . to WordPress, as I find it to be a great outlet for my jumbled up tornado of thoughts and anxieties. But I don’t pretend to always be right, I just do what I can to help others find their way out of anxiety or sadness as I find that it helps me more than anything to help others.

I have (recently) stopped trying to diagnose others. I just want to listen (read) and contemplate for a while before I respond, which I find that the majority of people appreciate and are receptive to.

But, you get the idea here and it’s 11:15 here so I really need to pack it in, brush my teeth and go to sleep.

Goodnight, my dear readers


~Aly Mae