Oh, Dear!

Hello, people of WordPress!

It feels like a whole year since I last posted on here! A lot has happened, I will attempt to catch you all up to my goings on and recent life-changing decisions.

First of all important things, I am still hoping and planning to move to Ireland within the next 7 to 10 years, but MORE IMPORTANTLY I have decided on how I will get myself and my handsome beau there . . . . . . I am going to become an elementary school teacher! Probably in Fourth of Fifth Grade, when they start bring able to be set onto tasks and I can get some teacher-work done while they do group work or individual quiet time exams or assignments.

I honestly don’t remember if I have posted about this career-plan change or not. But I just started classes (online, no more commute!! :D) in the past week and I am absolutely in love with the program so far. 🙂

I had to post twice about my orientation class, and I did hose posts yesterday and today. I will probably post once more (an extra time :D) on Saturday before I go to my part time job (that I am so thankful to have). 😉

I have gotten to the point in my young and relatively active life that it really feels good to come home to a loving man and just cuddle as we fall asleep. Of course, he likes to stay up late and play video games, but I think my body has learned to drown out the guns and monster sounds as I fall asleep. . . Haha, he’s teaching me how to deal with children before I even have babies or a class full of them to teach. :p  Life is going to be sleepless (probably) , yet fun, for at least a few years in my life. I look forward to it.

I really need to go now, he’s at work and needs a ride home because we are still working on getting his license and another vehicle. :p

Peace and Prosperity to all
