Can’t get enough done!!

With the beginning of a semester, I am overwhelmed with assignments, blogs to post, essays to write, studying to be done, and online quizzes to take. I have hardly been through a week and a half of my 13, or is it 14?, or is it 15? week semester. I don’t know how I am going to survive this three/four month academic session. I think that I’m just going to explode! This is so crazy!!

But, I have to do this. My GPA needs to look better. I need to stay involved with both the student newspaper and Protestant Campus ministry. There must be enough hours in the day to accomplish all of my goals. I need to do well.

Being stressed out is dichotomous for me. My body hates it, but my mind goes crazy with all of the goals, and I love it. There is no way for me to describe what I mean except by telling my readers that I THRIVE when I am being stretched in every-which-way all at once. I need to take a biology quiz now, and the longer I focus on this unnecessary blog, the harder it is for me to pass this quiz well.

Thanks for reading. This is therapeutic for me to pour my emotions into a blog that I don’t personally know most of the followers of.

God Bless~