In Retrospect . . .

I feel the obligation to reflect on my first two weeks of classes. As I only have one class, a few meetings with classmates, and work tomorrow, so my week is pretty much over.

This semester is going to create so much tension between my shoulder-blades, that I am probably going to look like a big/giant-female hunched-back-witch (just because I am tall with a witch nose).

Let’s just say that I am really anxious about all of the work that  my academic advisor (instructor) will have me doing for both Rhetoric and Technical Writing. Also I am nervous about not truly deserving to be in the French class that I am in. I can catch on to most of the new words fairly quickly, but most too many of them go straight over my head.

I can see myself already, four inches shorter, complaining of a bad back due to aforementioned shoulder-blade tension.

I won’t even get to go home on weekends this semester, which I am terribly sad about. I love my family. I miss them already! I am going to NYC with the student newspaper over Spring Break, so if I do, I probably won’t get much/any family time in that week. 😦

There will be little-to-no-time to go home when my cousin comes into my hometown to golf with my Daddy. :,(

There will be no going out on week-nights, which I never do, anyway. So, that’s not a heart- breaker.

Thinking about this semester by thinking of all of the good it can and will do for me, it doesn’t really seem so bad. I just really have to push myself this semester.

I cannot get distracted by the opposite gender, no problem, they’re almost all just a bunch of goobers, anyway. :p

I will just need to stay focused on academics, which I have not been doing very well up until this semester. Less time spent on Facebook, or reading the blogs of other WordPress Bloggers. Essentially, I need to spend less time socializing, and more time doing schoolwork.

Ha, that might seem like a’ no-brainer’ to most people, and it does to me too. I just have a hard time actually following through on all of the marvelous plans I make to spend my time wisely. I actually need to knock it off with the planning and actually FOLLOW my plan to succeed this semester.

I will need to study my little butt off! I might actually know what I studied all semester, when it comes to exam-time! 😀


As I have taken one (biology) exam (yesterday), I can attest to the fact that I need to study much more often.

Who knows? THIS semester might be my turn-around! Prayers for a strong will to stay focused on academics for the next three or four months will be appreciatiated about this! 😉

During my first two weeks of the semester I learned that ‘France Today’ is basically a self-taught class, and that I am going to have a very hard time with keeping up with which-class-is-which between Technical Writing and Rhetoric, because they are taught by the same professor, in the same room. Hopefully, in a week or two, I will know my schedule by heart, and I will not be late for any more classes like I was yesterday. :/ THAT was really embarrassing! I endeavor to be on time for every single class this semester. I absolutely hate the feeling of being late. 😦

But,  I have done a pretty good job so far. 🙂 I have gone to each session of my 5 classes for two weeks. I have completed all of my assignments.

Other than being late to one class, I’ve been on top of all of my classes. 🙂 I’ve turned everything in on time or early! 🙂

So far into the semester, I feel that I have done a really great job! I’m pretty proud of myself! 😉

I not only went to all of my classes, but I have completed all of my homework for each class. I even went to Gospel Choir after the student newspaper had our weekly meeting tonight!! I have to work on next week’s article for the paper.  Luckily, I have a few drafts stored up, and some ideas for at least one more article.

I already have about 12 drafts for my column in the paper.

I am so happy with my accomplishments so far into this semester. 🙂

I have been doing a pretty good Jesus Journal almost every morning and night. It helps me feel close to God. I have my very own weekly column about being CrAzY for our Lord, Jesus Christ. I still have my job in the equipment room doing laundry, I will soon have an official position as a ‘staff writer’ member in the paper! 😀 EE-GADS!!! 😀 😀 😀  I am eating relatively healthy and walking down and up the ridiculous hill on campus each weekday (at least once a day, sometimes two) so, I have a little bit of physical activity. All that I am lacking in my life right now if family time. I call my Momma on her way home from work when I don’t have class at 4:45 (happens to be Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays). I just miss my younger three siblings. 😦 I miss the oldest of my younger siblings all the time, and almost don’t feel like myself when she’s not around. But, we are both in college, and I have to accept the fact that she and I will not be living under the same roof forever. 😥

My point here is not how much I miss my family. I wrote this post to convey how well I am doing so far into this semester, and how I see the whole semester being a wonderful experience and have a wonderful change in my grades! 🙂

Jusqu’à prochaine temps,

God Bless 💜