This year

Hello, folks!

As my title suggests, this post has to do with my goals for this year, 2017.

I want to warn you, my goals are pretty high or an extremely  fresh college graduate but I’m hoping that if I miss, I’ll land on a star. 😉

I am looking to be employed by a study abroad office somewhere in Central Pennsylvania   . . . Just earlier today, I applied to be the ‘Associate Director of International Recruitment’ at a college near my hometown. It’s a great university and I am the best candidate for the job because I have so very few ties to this region, and my boyfriend and I are looking to move anyway, we both need better jobs and  . . . why the heck not? :p

I also sent an e-mail about working (online) for International Studies Abroad, whom I traveled to France with last summer. I then looked on their careers website and saw that they only offer positions at their headquarters, which is half of the United-States away from me, but I just wanted to get my name out there to see if they could offer me anything. That is what I did, so my mission for today is complete. 🙂 Maybe I’ll end up moving out there once my beau gets his training done for Phlebotomy, then we can possibly  move out there (hopefully) near my girl-friend from an international experience ten years ago and really get life moving. 😉

My mission for tomorrow, or anytime this coming week, is to apply to my first university (the one that I transferred from) and inquire if they have any positions available like that of the university I applied to today. Then, I will probably ask about the university I transferred to and graduated from and research their open positions if nothing else comes up first. If the worst possible situation arises, I will have to move far from my family, but that will probably be okay as I have friends or family in most of the tri-state areas in the continental USA. 😉

All that I need is a full time job that will offer benefits to my future fiancée (once we get the money . . . but don’t tell anyone we got that serious so fast), our future children and myself. I will need to make over a certain salary in order to not be sinking in immense debt immediately after college. .  But, I guess most people are in a lot of debt immediately after  graduation from college . . .

I only have about $40,000 in loan debt and such, and my boyfriend has about $20,000 from his unfinished degree, so it’s not really that bad. But, I regret that I was not smart enough to receive grants etc. for going to college. But I guess nobody really understands the struggles of TBI victims, so I shouldn’t honestly expect the grants to have been there for me.

But . . . I’m sure that I will find something that does me justice. I’m very hopeful, perhaps too hopeful, that my first serious application works out. One of the duties of this job is recruiting from other countries for up to two months out of the year! My heart LEAPED when I read that on the job description. I’m definitely too hopeful about it. :p Oh well, it won’t be the first time I’ve gotten my hopes up too high. :p

I also applied to five places in the shopping mall in my town yesterday, a college near my current residence and Starbuck’s today! I feel like something will work out, I’m just not sure of when it’ll work out. I’m hoping and praying with all of my might that the time is soon, I’ve had enough misfortune in my life! I really pray that life starts paying me back for all of the strenuous work it has put me through.

I am not applying to any more places this week, I think after my spurt of searches for a job (any job) I will let those applications fester for a while and dream about moving to Texas, Washington State or Oregon Hawaii or something. 😉

While I mention my interest in moving to these different states, I would so much rather live in Ireland than just move to another state. My dreams, my goals and hopefully my future are all in Ireland. I haven’t quite figured out the reason yet, but I believe that I am called to Ireland by a much higher power, a much more powerful voice than any human has ever known or could ever imagine.

I would like to finish this blog post by thanking all of my readers for their unbridled attention in reading my posts when I actually get to posting. :p

I may or may not be posting more often as the days elongate and give me more and more waking hours to work on my book. I’ve been fairly well occupied, as the love of my life lives with me and we are still trying to get our budget to match our income. What makes it especially hard is that I do not have a job and he just works part time at a bookstore. :p

I have applied to two really great companies and one university near my locale. I also applied to a few part time jobs in the same mall that my boyfriend works in and I received only one call back (thus far) on Tuesday about an interview that I have tomorrow afternoon.

I’m sitting here at the ‘office’ section of my bedroom as my boyfriend snores away in our bed. He is such a sweetie. I love him so much. 🙂

With that note,

With all of my love, I wish you all a lovely day!

~Alexandra Mae




In Retrospect . . .

I feel the obligation to reflect on my first two weeks of classes. As I only have one class, a few meetings with classmates, and work tomorrow, so my week is pretty much over.

This semester is going to create so much tension between my shoulder-blades, that I am probably going to look like a big/giant-female hunched-back-witch (just because I am tall with a witch nose).

Let’s just say that I am really anxious about all of the work that  my academic advisor (instructor) will have me doing for both Rhetoric and Technical Writing. Also I am nervous about not truly deserving to be in the French class that I am in. I can catch on to most of the new words fairly quickly, but most too many of them go straight over my head.

I can see myself already, four inches shorter, complaining of a bad back due to aforementioned shoulder-blade tension.

I won’t even get to go home on weekends this semester, which I am terribly sad about. I love my family. I miss them already! I am going to NYC with the student newspaper over Spring Break, so if I do, I probably won’t get much/any family time in that week. 😦

There will be little-to-no-time to go home when my cousin comes into my hometown to golf with my Daddy. :,(

There will be no going out on week-nights, which I never do, anyway. So, that’s not a heart- breaker.

Thinking about this semester by thinking of all of the good it can and will do for me, it doesn’t really seem so bad. I just really have to push myself this semester.

I cannot get distracted by the opposite gender, no problem, they’re almost all just a bunch of goobers, anyway. :p

I will just need to stay focused on academics, which I have not been doing very well up until this semester. Less time spent on Facebook, or reading the blogs of other WordPress Bloggers. Essentially, I need to spend less time socializing, and more time doing schoolwork.

Ha, that might seem like a’ no-brainer’ to most people, and it does to me too. I just have a hard time actually following through on all of the marvelous plans I make to spend my time wisely. I actually need to knock it off with the planning and actually FOLLOW my plan to succeed this semester.

I will need to study my little butt off! I might actually know what I studied all semester, when it comes to exam-time! 😀


As I have taken one (biology) exam (yesterday), I can attest to the fact that I need to study much more often.

Who knows? THIS semester might be my turn-around! Prayers for a strong will to stay focused on academics for the next three or four months will be appreciatiated about this! 😉

During my first two weeks of the semester I learned that ‘France Today’ is basically a self-taught class, and that I am going to have a very hard time with keeping up with which-class-is-which between Technical Writing and Rhetoric, because they are taught by the same professor, in the same room. Hopefully, in a week or two, I will know my schedule by heart, and I will not be late for any more classes like I was yesterday. :/ THAT was really embarrassing! I endeavor to be on time for every single class this semester. I absolutely hate the feeling of being late. 😦

But,  I have done a pretty good job so far. 🙂 I have gone to each session of my 5 classes for two weeks. I have completed all of my assignments.

Other than being late to one class, I’ve been on top of all of my classes. 🙂 I’ve turned everything in on time or early! 🙂

So far into the semester, I feel that I have done a really great job! I’m pretty proud of myself! 😉

I not only went to all of my classes, but I have completed all of my homework for each class. I even went to Gospel Choir after the student newspaper had our weekly meeting tonight!! I have to work on next week’s article for the paper.  Luckily, I have a few drafts stored up, and some ideas for at least one more article.

I already have about 12 drafts for my column in the paper.

I am so happy with my accomplishments so far into this semester. 🙂

I have been doing a pretty good Jesus Journal almost every morning and night. It helps me feel close to God. I have my very own weekly column about being CrAzY for our Lord, Jesus Christ. I still have my job in the equipment room doing laundry, I will soon have an official position as a ‘staff writer’ member in the paper! 😀 EE-GADS!!! 😀 😀 😀  I am eating relatively healthy and walking down and up the ridiculous hill on campus each weekday (at least once a day, sometimes two) so, I have a little bit of physical activity. All that I am lacking in my life right now if family time. I call my Momma on her way home from work when I don’t have class at 4:45 (happens to be Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays). I just miss my younger three siblings. 😦 I miss the oldest of my younger siblings all the time, and almost don’t feel like myself when she’s not around. But, we are both in college, and I have to accept the fact that she and I will not be living under the same roof forever. 😥

My point here is not how much I miss my family. I wrote this post to convey how well I am doing so far into this semester, and how I see the whole semester being a wonderful experience and have a wonderful change in my grades! 🙂

Jusqu’à prochaine temps,

God Bless 💜