So much fun to be had!!!

Hello, beautiful readers. 

I am home for the first time in what feels like forever. 

But actually, I was home last four days ago  and I actually stopped by for a little bit yesterday to shower and pick up some clothing. 

This group of international students and local mentors is so amazing!!! 

I am loving it! 

It’s Sunday now and on Thursday and Friday nights, I was the DD (designated driver) for the 21(+) year old goers out. Yesterday was probably the best out of all the days/nights we’ve spent together (in my opinion) because there was no alcohol involved while I was there. We had a picnic at the soccer field accross from where a bunch of the students and other mentors live. I live at home with my parents and siblings forty five minutes away from the school. 

I like good, clean fun like we had last night. I wish that other people saw it that way as well, but I’m happy to be the DD when they decide to have fun. I just don’t want to have to do that alllll the time. 

Don’t get me wrong! I mean, I am perfectly okay with not drinking alongside  everyone else, but I don’t like staying up until 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning making sure people are back to their apartments safely. My body does not like doing that and waking up at 8:00 in the morning (as my body insists on doing). 

If I had enough money, I would stay in a hotel on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. However, I am just farrrr too poor to do something as extravagant as that!

I think that my friend from ages ago might be able to give me a place to sleep a few nights a week as long as I tend to the house needs. My main problem is that I’ll need gas money to get there and back from the university and my house. Plus, I might need to drive all the way to my hometown for a job on Friday each week. Maybe I’ll only stay at his place if I don’t work on a Friday. My life is almost entirely consumed by school and this international group! Oh, but I wouldn’t change it for the world!  

I really love spending time with these people. 💜 I’m just too delicate (or old or something) to drink as much as they do. 😒 I just wish that we could all stay sober and just have fun together. 💋 The 12 or so other mentors and I are all trying to plan good sober fun to have together (bowling, physical activities, game nights, movie nights, etc.) and I think that it might just work. 🙃 

We’ve begun a prospective calendar of events that all people (under and over 21) can take part in together, but the hard part now is actually trying to stick to it and make it happen.

Wish us luck as we try and show these wonderful foreigners a great time. 💋💋


Peace and Prosperity 

~Alexandra Mae

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