Lent, my views

Today is ‘Fat Tuesday’ and Lent begins tomorrow.

Lent is a time of honoring our Lord, Jesus Christ that I never took as anything more than Catholic people like my girlfriend Mary Rose do. I never realized that it was something that I, as a Protestant Christian, could participate in too. I probably didn’t realize that I could take part in this sacrifice until last Spring when my devout Christian ex-room mate Sarah asked me how I was choosing to honor the Lord and sacrifice ‘this year’ for Lent.

I was baffled. I paused, thought about it for a moment, then I ‘knee-jerk’ answered that I would give up chocolate. Not that I really consumed much chocolate before that time, but I didn’t know what else to sacrifice.

I would love to say that I will give up technology, but right now, my laptop and my iPhone and iPad are essential to my education.

I know the Lord loves me and understands that I cannot risk my success in education for Lent.

It might be wrong for me to be posting this intimate of a subject online, for the world to see, but I need to get this off of my chest and maybe even get some feedback on my thoughts and feelings about Lent.

I guess that Lent IS something that Protestants practice, and I DO intend to keep to my relatively new policy of staying in touch with God, and aiming to please my Heavenly King. ❤

Once again this year, I have decided to give up chocolate, I know, how original, right?!

Well, this year I am not going to eat chocolate again after Lent has ended. Not even for the time that marks Jesus’s return to Earth. This year, I am giving up chocolate for ever.

That is a really big commitment to make, and I am fully prepared to go through chocolate withdrawl (Doubt me? The struggle is real) by never eating chocolate again. It’s bad for my face, my weight and it gives me headaches.

As I noted, this is a huge commitment to make, but how do you think Jesus felt as the Roman soldiers approached him with the Rood (see Dream of the Rood, preserved from 10th century British Literature) crown of thorns, hammer and nail?

Yeah . . . exactly.

It’s hard to sacrifice.   I would not ever dare to say that I am sacrifing NEAR as much as the Lord once did, though. I cannot even imagine how it felt to be sacrificing your life. The thought of being in that situation terrifies me to no end. I rest assured, on this day only by the fact that Jesus sacrificed His life fore me to live for all of eternity at peace.

Oh, my heart swells with love and joy in that love that I feel all the time from Christ. I honestly couldn’t tell anyone how grateful I am to wake up everyday, even on the days that I’ve only has three hours of sleep. :p Those are less pleasant, but I feel that Lent is to be celebrated by all God-loving people!

I love God, He made a sacrifice for me, and I am more than willing to make any sacrifice that He asks me to make, for Him.

Jusqu’à prochaine temps!

God Bless

Sur Moi (About Me)

Hello, all.

My name is Alexandra and I really am quite a storyteller. Granted, I have quite a story to tell about something that happened in High-School. Plus a few stories from before, and some from after.

I started this blog at 21 years old (birthday in March) courtesy of requirement by my Rhetoric/Technical Writing Professor/Advisor whom I admire very much. I could go on and on about why I admire him, but this post is about me, not him . . . I digress . .

The reason that I posted this is because I feel as if I should give you a short background on who I am, where I came from and my different passions in life.

First of all, I serve a MIGHTY, MIGHTY King. His name is Father, and I love nothing/nobody more than I love Him.  He rescued me from a terrible death (car accident in 2010, aka, my ‘story’ from High-School) and He is the reason I live now! I base all of my major (and most minor) decisions on what I think He would want. I was baptized Lutheran when I was about 3 years old and I have been a JesusFreak ever since I was in High-School, but I became infatuated with Him when woke up from my coma in late 2010. He is my everything. I love my Savior.

Obviously, I was in a car accident a few years ago, and I learned a LOT from it. The accident showed me who my true friends are, or are not. It brought me closer to God. It made me the young woman I am today. It was a force for good. A force for God.

Before my car accident, there are quite a number of stories that I have as well as a few after the car accident. Everything from mud-fights with my INCREDIBLE cousins in Ohio, to Christmas gift exchanges among the whole family, my Catholic-Irish family is why I live so happily in the House of the Lord. Both of my parents are the youngest in pretty big families. My father, the youngest of five kids, is where the LOVE of Irish football comes in ND ALL THE WAY, BABY!! My mother, the youngest of four kids came from a slightly quieter home, less crazy fun stuff. So, I guess you can gather that the mud-slinging-cousins that I mentioned are my paternally-related cousins. There are 14 cousins on my Daddy’s side of family, and four on My Momma’s side. So, you could say that my family is huge. I love it! 😉

The Irish is from my Daddy’s family. By the time you go down the line of ancestors, I am among the 7th generation of American-born-Mullen/Irish descendants. So my blood really isn’t entirely Irish. I shamefully admit, I am probably about 75% (+?) German along with other Western-European countries thrown in there. My Daddy’s Mother’s Maiden name is Lightfoot, so there is obviously some Native American in my blood too.

Most of the Mullen family, spare three cousins, chooses to embrace the Irish in our blood though. We definitely know how to liven up a party. 😉 😉

I love all of my family so much. There isn’t a thing that I wouldn’t do, if it were in my power, for any member of my family, on my Mom’s or Dad’s side.

Given the fact that I love my family a lot, I also love to serve others. Not just the ‘needy’ need help. Nobody can do everything, no matter how hard they try. I dream of a day when I can afford to send food to starving children in cities within these beautiful United States of America. If given the opportunity, I will move on to densely populated cities in other countries and make the difference that I can there.

If I am ever able to afford it, I want to start a community center in my hometown. The people of that town did so much for my family and myself after my car accident. I want to give back to my hometown by any means possible.

But, that will probably not be until well after I finish college.

I am still seeking my undergraduate degree in English with a minor in French as well as a minor in professional writing. I try my best to eat whole/one-ingredient-foods but it’s a struggle to keep fresh produce around without a driver’s license. I love French Language and culture, as if it were not clear as the title of this article (About Me) is in French and my profile discusses the possibility of teaching English to young adults in France.

I have been to nine other countries in my young life. Yes, NINE!! The first of my international travels was across the border to Canada with my mother and two of my three younger siblings as my baby sister had not been born yet. Then I hopped onto a plane and went to what was then the UK (England, Ireland, Scotland, and Whales) with the Student Ambassador program People to People [p2p], France and Italy (with my High-School Advanced Placement European History teacher and his wife along with some of her High-School students) and most recently I was in Poland and the Czech Republic (with a professor and a few students) from my current University.

I write this as a 21 year old college student, hoping to impact the world in some way with my life. I am young, I plead for the Lord to use my youth to His advantage and help me impact the lives of others as I have been impacted by doctors, nurses and therapists in my life, just as soon as I finish college.  😉

I will keep you updated on all of that as life goes on. 🙂

Jusqu’à la prochaine temps,

God Bless.
