What is Technology?

Today, in Technical Writing, my class discussed technology. We discussed it in quite detailed manner. Our instructor discussed several different kinds of technology that we will become acquainted with in the course of this semester.

We left the room understanding the following idea : Technology is brilliant. It is how we communicate. It is how we share ideas. Technology is how we create ideas, even how we create ourselves in the eyes of others.

Technology is basically the core of modern education. How many people know of an eleven-year-old-girl that has had an iPhone, after a Droid, but then had the option to go back to a Droid phone?

I do. My baby sister had a Droid, got the renewal (switched to an iPhone) then switched back to a Droid. All before her eleventh birthday! Technology is taking over our world. Literally. Technology is everywhere!!

Technology is how we communicate with other countries. It allows people of the modern era often view other cultures. It allows us to see what is happening all the way across the world. Technology is a great tool that can be misused, or used as if it were an almost-holy-experience.

Technology often aides young people, but as was discussed in my Technical Writing class today, it can also really screw up someone’s life. Starting at a relatively young age.

Technology, such as cell phones, are often used to capture images, and sometimes can be used to capture images of young college students doing un-impressive things in the eyes of future employers. It is important, as my instructor said, to behave yourself while in college, and always conduct yourself in a mature and relatively professional manner.

The example given in class today was a story during which a young man told a class that my instructor was teaching, when said young man became inebriated, and cursed about something ridiculous and raised his middle finger to the camera, while being filmed. That video was posted online, and the video, while it may not have contained the young man’s full name, it contained his face.

This may not cause a problem, as not all companies are as through as others in the process of hiring people, the video might be the unspoken reason that he is turned down for a job in the future.

I do not intend to give an air of conceit by saying this, but this story made me feel embarrassed for the young man.

My instructor did not disclose the name of this young man, wisely, I am the oldest of four siblings, and I attribute that with causing me to be responsible, but I would never EVER be as foolish and irresponsible as to be videotaped doing or saying such vulgar things.

This is mainly because I endeavor not to use profanity at all, but also because I do not want to be seen that way by prospective employers, my technologically savvy parents (my Father is tech-savvy, my Mother probably doesn’t even understand what a hard drive is) or anyone else.

I do prefer to be seen in a professional manner, though I am still an undergraduate college student.

Technology is our friend. But, technology can also become our worst enemy, depending on how well we behave in certain situations.

Because we can never know *for sure* when we are being filmed or recorded, it is the best policy to always keep our tongues clean and our behavior at it’s best.

Jusqu’à la prochaine fois ,

God Bless.