Camping and the after-effects

Hey folks! ❤

I returned last night from  a lovely week of camping and a not-so-lovely ride home.

First of all things, my TBI reared it’s ugly head and I threw a fit like a three year old child in public. Second, the tire popped on one of our vehicles and it was near the national reservoir and park overnight where my Dad has to go and pick it up today.

The day before we left my cousins left, one of my cousins had his daughter, who I fell in love with the instant I saw her. She’s two years old and she is so unbelievably well behaved I hardly think of her as only two years old, except the diaper. Oh my, she was so sweet! I love baby hugs and kisses! ❤

My, sister’s girlfriend, my littlest sister and I all took turns walking down to the rocky beach with her to throw rocks into the water. That was her favorite activity of the week.  Oh my goodness, she was so sweet! 🙂 I love babies. ❤

I love my cousins so much! I was so happy to see them through the last week. I just wish that I got to see my cousins more often like I used to. We seem to only get together now for weddings and funerals. This year, we had no funerals (thank God!) and no weddings. :/ But next year, I believe two or three cousin weddings are planned, and I intend to get everyone out to my family’s ‘plantation’ for a 4th of July party, if possible. I’m not sure how I can swing it, though, because most of my cousins have jobs and stuff and I probably (hopefully) will too. 🙂

My family is so important to me, I could not possibly express how much they matter to me  with something as plain as words.

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