Fifth Grade Camp

Hello, everyone! 🙂

Today, May 26th, 2015, my baby sister goes to fifth grade camp at Camp Nawakwa in Gettysburg Pennsylvania. I went there umpteen years ago when I was in fifth grade, and I wish that I could go with her. Camp Nawakwa is so much fun for fifth graders! There is a pool, a cafeteria and a delightful camp office area and it pretty much sits on the soil that America’s Civil War was fought on.  The history of the Civil War is so much fun for these kids, as it was or me. I am so happy that my school district still takes kids to Gettysburg at the end of the fifth grade year, it’s one of my fondest memories before being thrown into the dungeon that is the Middle School in sixth grade.

There really isn’t much that I can talk about regarding fifth grade camp, aside from my hope for my baby sister to have a blast. So, I won’t bore you all with news about what an incredible young lady she is turning out to be just yet. Instead I will give a brief update on the rest of my beloved family, including our two puppy dogs and seven billion cats. :p

My father is working hard, per usual as the tool engineer manager for the old Magee company. He gets to go overseas to China after he spends a week in South Bend Indiana and I am so jealous of him being paid good money to travel all about the globe.  :p

Ideally, I will be able to travel like he does. Maybe I’ll get to take my children to important historical places as I travel. I want to be a teacher/stay-at-home/travelling-mom. Unfortunately, I think that I have to get my teaching degree in order to do that. :/ Meh. More schooling, though, is always fun! 🙂 I love school. ❤

It’s invigorating to my brain, and I love a good challenge. 😉

My Mother- speaking of mothers- is great! She and I, as noted in one of the last postings,  have reconciled our differences and become very close friends once again. We spent most of the past three-day/holiday weekend together. 🙂  I really love my Mommy. ❤

My oldest little sister is also doing very well!

My little brother is also awesome. It’s funny calling him my little brother because he’s four inches taller than me, and not done growing yet. 😉 He plays soccer and takes German in High School.  He’s also going to be the leader of the free world after he joins the Army and finishes college. Yes, that’s right. My baby brother is going to be POTUS someday.

My baby sister, the one going to Fifth Grade Camp is a delightful young lady as well. She, also, is a leader in her group of friends, and she has the best likelihood of being the most successful one of us four children. She stays physically active with soccer and Field Hockey. I could see her taking French, like I did, or Spanish like my older little  sister, or German like my brother.

Our puppies are newly cleaned! My Mom and baby sister gave them baths this weekend, so they are bearable to touch, though I am not shy from some doggy ick, after all; even the stinky ones need love. 😉 Women do often love men, right?! :p

Haha. 🙂 The seven billion cats, which is actually only seven or eight. My Momma diligently cares for them, so they are healthy and good. You see, my family lives amid a huge farm, so there are generally mice for the cats to chase and eat along with the food my Momma provides for them, and the farmer is okay with us having cats because they kill the mice that eat his crops. 🙂

My baby sister also adores the seven or eight cats that we have, so it ties back to her. 🙂  She loves the cats, but she will not help clean up after them, or feed them. She’s sill eleven, so I’ll give her another five years before she becomes responsible for anyone, or anything, but herself.

Now that I’ve talked about all other life in my family’s house, I will update all of my readers on myself. I am home (alone! Praise the Lord!) today, and I am so happy to be here. 🙂 I love my family, as I’ve said before, more than mere words could account for. There is not a thing that I would not do for any member of my family. his includes my cousins. They are all amazing people.

Today, my computer is bring slow, so I’m going to wrap up and call this post a finished product! 🙂

Au revoir, tout le monde!

Tout mon amour! ❤

~Alexandra Mae

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