Increasing Sanity

Hello, everyone! 🙂

Today, I would like to mention (in greater detail than merely mentioning it) how much better I feel about life because I made my room tidy again. I still had about 30-40 sweaters and other long sleeved shirts from the insufferably long winter that my region of the world experienced in the last six or seven months.

I am going home tomorrow and I am finally putting an end to the clutter that those shirts and sweaters were causing my very tiny little 13 ft. X 20 ft. room.  I live in a cubicle with a full but tiny bathroom attached. Literally, my bathroom is about 4 ft. X 5 ft.

Tomorrow, once I get home, I swill be on my computer filling out application/resume letters for two possible employers.  The one employer is reeeeeeeally enticing to me. It’s a company that works to improve the blue and green world that surrounds us. I love all things madeunder the Lord’s creation, and it is something that I am extremely passionate about. The possibility of working to reserve more of the Earth’s beautiful natural state gives me goosebumps and makes me feel like I would be doing the right thing with my life. I can definitely see myself doing that job for a good portion of my adult life, until I am at least 30 years old. then moving onto working for a translating organization regarding the beautiful French language. ❤ I will have to see what comes of my passion-filled application to the environment-friendly company 🙂

The other of the two replies I got to my applications was for a company that wants me to read books and provide brief analyses of the books.  I think that I will immensely enjoy both of these jobs. So, if possible, I will take both jobs and try to manage both with my summer.  Then I will cut back and do the ‘eco-friendly’ job full time and the ‘book reading job’ as a part time job. That way, I can make a lot of money and do what I am passionate about, care for the environment and read books.

I am listening to an interview for the ‘book reviewing’ company and I’m having a hard time focusing on writing my blog because I am also texting my parents about the jobs I am writing about in this blog post. 😉 The interview is hard to follow because the questions are not heard, the recording only includes this Graham Allcott’s answers. He randomly laughs after awkward silences in the interview, making the interview extremely challenging to listen to.

When he gets involved while talking about a topic, it’s easier to follow what he’s talking about how to be more productive at work. He talked about important things to do in the mornings, important things to do to accomplish goals day-by-day, and weekly. One way I do his is by blogging. Additionally, I write in my Jesus Journal  in the morning and at night. Those two actions help me to organize my intentions for the day. Watch this, I will give an example right here:

Tomorrow morning, I am going to get up early and go to the gym, then I am going to shower and go into town. Once I go to town, I am going to Fog & Flame, a local café, to have some brunch before I come back to my apartment and organize some more of my belongings to go home for the week. I will then write in my journal for a few hours until my mother picks me up to go home. 😉 I might even get a blog post in before I go home!! 🙂

I love being home. 🙂 I just feel so welcomed there. My baby sister Erin hugs me whenever I ask her to, and for those of you who know me, hugging is an extremely important part of who I am. Hugs always make anything/everything better. 🙂

On that note, I’m going to call it a night and see the computer screen to do some more researching about possible/hopeful jobs tomorrow! ❤

Au revoir!

God Bless

~Alexandra Mae

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